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Are Glaucoma & Macular Degeneration the Same?

A patient's ocular health is assessed using a slit lamp during their routine eye exam.

Caring for our eyes goes beyond updating a vision prescription for new corrective lenses. Scheduling regular eye exams and monitoring our eye health for signs of conditions like glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration (AMD) allows us to preserve our future vision. Glaucoma and macular degeneration are distinct eye conditions that differ in terms of their […]

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What Causes Dry Skin Under the Eyes?

A person examines the dry skin under their eyes in a mirror.

have to endure it. Dry skin can be uncomfortable, especially in sensitive areas around the eyes, where the skin is thinner and more delicate.  Dry skin around the eyes is often caused by factors like aging, weather, eczema, and irritation from allergens. To manage it, use gentle, hydrating products, avoid triggers, and seek professional advice […]

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