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Our Practice in London, ON

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Personalized, Comprehensive Eye Care

Our team at Forest City Optometry is devoted to providing you with an effortless eye care experience. We offer comprehensive eye exams to get to the bottom of your optometry needs. We offer services such as dry eye treatment, myopia control for your kids, laser eye surgery consultations, and much more. 

Our team feels fortunate to be a part of the London community, and we look forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice.

Contact us to schedule your appointment online and experience personalized, comprehensive eye care.

Our Mission

Our mission at Forest City Optometry is a simple one: to help improve the way you see the world. Our friendly and professional staff treat you like family and implement modern technology to examine, diagnose, and treat eye conditions.

We’re here to care for your family’s vision—from the youngest eyes to the wisest.

Eye Esthetics at Forest City Optometry

At Forest City Optometry, we offer eye esthetic treatments and products to help rejuvenate the skin around your eyes and enhance your overall appearance. Our treatments and products are designed to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and brighten the delicate eye area. 

Discover how our esthetic services can help you by visiting our online store today!

Meet Our Staff

Dr. Kathryn Boult

Dr. Kathryn Boult


Dr. Tazeen Ahmed

Dr. Tazeen Ahmed


Sara Long

Sara Long

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